Health and Safety
APiC UK Limited will endeavour to conduct all its activities in a manner that achieves the highest practicable health and safety standards in respect of its employees and any other person who could be affected.
The primary aim of this policy is continual improvement through the application of a safety management system based on the following principles:
Two way communication with employees
Integration of health and safety practices into operational procedures
Promotion of health and safety awareness at all levels within the company
Regular audits and inspections to identify poor practices and the systematic corrective actions necessary to prevent their recurrence.
Compliance with current applicable occupational health and safety legislation and other requirements to which the company subscribes.
The company holds each director, manager, supervisor and employee responsible for complying with this policy in any area within their control or influence. No member of the company is authorised to initiate or continue any activity, operation or process that would endanger employees, contractors, visitors or members of the public. The managing director has overall responsibility for health and safety matters within the company.
To ensure that the requirements of this statement are met, the company will provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work, together with adequate information, instruction, training and supervision for all employees.
Our health and safety policy is implemented and managed on site by our project and site managers. Our Health & Safety status is currently recognised as members of CHAS, Construction Line and SMAS.